WP Care Plus

Animated Wave Heading Effect

Original price was: ₹499.00.Current price is: ₹149.00.

SKU c96ce618bbe5 Category

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Valid For  - One Domain

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Live Preview: Animated Wave Heading Effect – Readymade Elementor Templates | WP Care Plus


  1. Fully Responsive on tablet and mobile.
  2. Fully Customizable.
  3. Read Me File Included.

How to set up:

You must have both Elementor and Elementor Pro in order to use this ready-made template. After downloading the .zip file and unzipping it, you’ll get all the .json files. Just drag those .json files into your template upload option and then insert that.

Note: Make sure to allow “Unfiltered File Uploads” by going to Dashboard > Elementor > Advanced > Enable Unfiltered File Uploads, and enable it.


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